Unity CEO Predicts Websites Will Mutate to Metaverse Destinations Before 2030


John Riccitiello, CEO of Unity, one of the leading real-time 3D engine providers, has predicted that the internet will become part of the metaverse in the next several years. The executive predicted that most websites will become metaverse destinations and that this change will be mostly completed by the year 2030. However, legacy sites will still be around at the time, according to Riccitiello.

Unity CEO Says The Internet Will Be VR-Based In The Future

Several companies are now interested in how the metaverse could be part of our lives in the near future. Unity, a company specializing in providing real-time 3D solutions, has predicted that most of the Internet will be based on the metaverse by 2030. John Riccitiello, CEO of the company, said 2D websites will will transform into metaverse destinations and that these will be interconnected. The CEO made the remarks during a speech at AWE, an augmented reality event, last week.

Among the web destinations, there will essentially be three kinds, according to the prediction. First, sites that will be fully metaverse-integrated, identified as “places you could live and inhabit.” The second kind will blend real-world locations with extended capabilities, and another class of sites will be just “a little bit of a layer atop today’s world,” augmenting it.

These metaverse experiences can be fully enjoyed with adequate hardware, but will also need to adapt to other less capable hardware such as PCs and mobile phones.

Realtime 3D Experiences and the Metaverse

The CEO of Unity also commented on the importance of the real-time characteristic in these metaverse destinations, meaning that each interaction with these worlds is experienced for the first time when it happens, as opposed to movies, where interactions are always the same.

This is where real-time engine providers come into the picture, giving designers the tools to create and improve such metaverse experiences. In an interview, Riccitiello said that more than 50% of real-time 3D experiences on the market are built using Unity products. The company’s recent purchases, including acquisitions of Ziva Dynamics and Weta Digital, are intended to further enhance the company’s technology to provide greater immersion in its real-time products.

Unity is not the only real-time engine company interested in the metaverse. Its direct competitor, Unreal Engine 5, developed by Epic Games, is also a contender, with the objective of providing high-quality worlds and interactions for metaverse applications.


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